The international commercial umbrella service is a status that allows you to combine, for the umbrella services, the administrative simplicity of the status of employee when he receives his income and the autonomy of the entrepreneurship.


It is a tripartite relationship between an independent person, an umbrella company (Shelter) and a company receiving a benefit.


This system allows you to work in total independence and to exercise your professional activity in complete autonomy without the need to create a legal structure, to be relieved from the administrative and accounting management related to your professional activity and to enjoy the “à la carte” status.


The mission of the umbrella company is to invoice the services, and then to return to its client the income corresponding to the fees charged.


The benefits of TMI commercial umbrella services solutions:

  • Reduction of administrative burdens through the integral management of the accounting and professional expenses (provision of the year-end balance sheet);
  • You avoid the risk of isolation thanks to the TMI network. You will have the opportunity to create links with our international contacts;
  • Possibility to recruit within the framework of the personnel structure to help you in your mission and increase your productivity (we assist you in the recruitment, house your employee and we take care of the payment of wages and social insurance expenses);
  • No minimum income level is required in order to be eligible;
  • Possibility of service provision by umbrella company even for one-off operations;
  • No advances to be made from your personal account for the payment of your expense reports, each customer is provided with an individual account and a corporate Visa® or Mastercard® payment card for the direct payment of their business expenses.


For the consultants operating in the European Union, it is possible to carry over the registration certificate of the vehicle to be used within the framework of the assignment, without limitation of model or power (Romanian rental company with personal insurance obligation with our broker).

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